FREE PATTERN: Bambola Bee amigurumi

Hi! Here is another free pattern, Bambola Bee amigurumi!!
Last week, I was a little disappointed, because I watched a video on Youtube in which a designer "copied" my design of this bambola (she changed just some rounds and stitches) But It's very sad because some people create designs and other simply copy them :(
 Tell me in comment if you like it, I'd love to read your comment!!! Remember you can show me your pictures and tag me on my social media! Instagram @pipizzuellacrochet and Facebook /pipizzuellacrochet 


This Pattern is only for personal use, not for commercial purposes! You cannot sell, sub, distribute this pattern in any form and anywhere. All rights reserved. You can sell ítems made from this pattern, provided that they are handmade by yourself.

If you are going to share your images on your social media, please remember:

-         Insert “Pattern by @pipizzuellacrochet” y

-         Use the hashtag #pipizzuellacrochet 


-  100 % Cotton thread, used double, (peach, white,  yellow and black)

-  Crochet hook (2,5)

-  Fiberfill for stuff

-  Black thread for embroider the eyes

-  Tapestry needle


mr  - magic ring

inc -  increase

ch – chain

FLO – front loop only

Sl st – slip stitch

BLO – back loop only

sc – single crochet

[ ] repeat work

hdc – half double crochet

( ) number of stitches at the end of the round

dec – decrease



Let's get start!!


Start with yellow color:

1)     6 sc in a MR (6)

2)    inc x 6 (12)

3)    1 sc, 1 inc (18

4)    2 sc, 1 inc (24)

5)    3 sc, 1 inc (30)

6)    4 sc, 1 inc (36)

7) to 12) 36 sc (36). Safety eyes between 8-9

13) 4 sc, 1 dec (30)

14) 3 sc, 1 dec (24)

15) 2 sc, 1 dec (18)

16) 1 sc, 1 dec (12)

17) 6 dec (6)


--Change to black color and continue with the dress working in rounds, joining with sl st.


1)     6 sc (6)

2)    Inc x 6 (12). Change to yellow.

From now on, work in hdc:

3) 1 hdc, 1 inc (18)

4) 1 hdc, 1 inc (27) Change to black.

5) 2 hdc, 1 inc (36)

6) 3 hdc 1 inc (45) Change to yellow.

7) to 8) 45 hdc (45) Change to black.

9) 45 hdc (45)

10) Picot stitch: [ch 4, sl st in the first ch, 2 sl st on the dress] x 15. Cut.


With white color:


1) 6 sc in a MR (6)

2) inc x 6 (12)

3) 1 sc, 1 inc (18)

4) 2 sc, 1 inc (24)

5) 5 sc, 1 inc (28)

6) to 7) 28 sc (28)

8) 5 sc, 1 dec (24)

9) 24 sc (24)

10) 2 sc, 1 dec (18)

11) to 12) 18 sc (18)

13) 1 sc, 1 dec (12)

14) 12 sc (12)

15) 6 sc (6)

Close with 2 sc.


With yellow color:

1)    6 sc in a MR (6)

2)   to 4) 6 sc (6)

5) 3 dec (3), Change to black.

6) Ch 5: 4 sl st. Cut.


With black color:

1)    6 sc in a MR (6)

2)   Inc x 6 (12)

3)   to 5) 12 sc (12)

6) dec x 6 (6)

7) dec x 3 (3).

Change to yellow: ch 11. Cut.


With black color:

1) 6 sc in a MR (6)

2) inc x 6 (12)

3) 1 sc, 1 inc (18)

4) to 5) 18 sc (18)

6) 1 sc, 1 dec (12)

7) dec x 6 (6)

8) dec x 3 (3)

Change to yellow: ch 25. Cut.


-- Sew the antennas to the head.

--Embroider her little eyes.

--Sew the arms on the 2º round of the dress.

--Sew the legs on this way: put both threads of legs in a tapestry needle, Go inside of the dress, through the neck to the top part of the head, make a knot, hide all the threads.

--Sew the wings to the back of the dress.

