FREE PATTERN: Frida Kahlo amigurumi

frida kahlo amigurumi

“Feet, what do I need them for

If I have wings to fly.”


I have for you the pattern of this beautiful and inspiring woman! Remember you can show me your pictures and tag me on my social media! Instagram @pipizzuellacrochet and Facebook /pipizzuellacrochet 


This Pattern is only for personal use, not for commercial purposes! You cannot sell, sub, distribute this pattern in any form and anywhere. All rights reserved. You can sell Ă­tems made from this pattern, provided that they are handmade by yourself.

If you are going to share your images on your social media, please remember:

-         Insert “Pattern by @pipizzuellacrochet” y

-         Use the hashtag #pipizzuellacrochet 


-  Cotton thread (colour peach, yellow, light blue, blue, White, pink, green, red, brown)

Black Acrylic yarn (we’ll brush it. If you don’t have this yarn, you can use cotton and no brush it)

-  Crochet hook (1,10 and 1,75 mm)

-  Fiberfill for stuff

-  Safety eyes

-  Tapestry needle.


mr  - magic ring

inc -  increase

ch – chain

FLO – front loop only

Sl st – slip stitch

BLO – back loop only

sc – single crochet

[ ] repeat work

hdc – half double crochet

( ) number of stitches at the end of the round

dec – decrease



Let's get start!!

Arms (make 2)

Starting with peach yarn:

1)     6 sc in a MR (6)

2)    6 sc (6)

3)    1 dec , 4 sc (5)

4)    to 10) 5 sc (5)

-- Stuff just the middle.

Close with 2 sc.

Legs (make 2)

We are working two different legs. Right leg has a prosthesis, due to the amputation that Frida had on 50’.


*Left leg: Starting with red yarn:

1)     6 sc in a MR (6)

2)    to  3) 6 sc (6)

Change to peach colour:

4) to 7) 6 sc  (6)

--  Stuff. Cut.


*Right leg: Starting with red yarn:

1) 6 sc in a MR (6)

2) to 3) 6 sc (6)

Change to brown colour:

4) to 6) 6 sc (6)

Change to peach yarn:

7) 6 sc (6).

--Stuff. Do not cut, we’ll work the body later.



With brown colour:

1) ch 5: 4 sc. Cut.

Make 2. Sew them to the sides of the leg. With a strand of the same colour, tie the prosthesis and make a topknot.


Continue from the second leg:

1)    ch 5, 6 sc (first leg), 5 sc on the ch, 6 sc (second leg) (22)

2)   to 3) 22 sc (22)

4) 8 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc (20)

5) 7 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc, 1 dec (18)

6) to 13) 18 sc (18)

14) Attaching arms: [2 sc working arm and body, 7 sc only in body] x 2 (18)

15) 1 dec,  sc (12)

16) 6 dec (6)


Continue with the head:

1)    [inc, 2 sc] x 2 (8)

2)   Inc x8 (16)

3)   Inc x 16 (32)

4)   3 sc, 1 inc (40)

5)   to 13) 40 sc (40)

14) 8 sc, 1 dec (36)

15) 4 sc, 1 dec (30)

16) 3 sc, 1 dec (24). Start to stuff it.

17) 2 sc, 1 dec (18)

18) 1 sc, 1 dec (12)

19) 6 dec (6)

-- Stuff and close.

-- Safety eyes: between round 8/9 separated by 6 stitches.


With peach colour:

1)    4 sc in a MR (4). Cut.

--Sew them between rounds 7/10, separated by 5 stitches of the eyes.


We’ll start with the top part, joining two equal pieces. Then, we’ll start with the skirt.

With red colour, ch 3:

1) 2 sc (2). Turn.

2) ch 1, 2 sc (2), Cut.

Join yellow colour in a corner and we work around the red square:

1) 2 sc, [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] in the other corner, 1 sc, [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] in the other corner, 2 sc (9 sc and  2 ch).

2) 3 sc, [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] into the next ch, 3 sc, [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] into the next ch (13 sc and 2 ch)

3) 4 sc, [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] into the next ch, 5 sc, [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] into the next ch, 4 sc (17 sc and 2 ch)

4) 5 sc, [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] into the next ch, 7 sc, [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] into the next ch, 5 sc (21 sc and 2 ch). Cut.


Turn the piece upside-down, join yellow yarn:

5) 11 sc (of 9 sc and 1 ch of each side) (11). Cut.


Find the right side or the side that you like the most, join red colour on the right corner.

6) 7 sc on a side, 11 sc on the bottom, 7 sc on the other side (25). Try it on the doll, make another round if you need it wider. Cut.



--Make 2 pieces. Sew the sides (right sides together), leaving some stitches without sew for the arms (I sewed along 5 red stitches).


On the top part, join yellow colour:

1) ch 1, 13 sc, turn. (13)

2) ch 1, 13 sc (13). Cut.

--Sew the shoulders (I sew them along 3 stitches on each side).



Turn the piece upside-down. Work in rounds joining with a sl st and start every round with ch 1. With light blue yarn:

1) BLO: [11 sc, 2 sc in the middle] x 2 (26)

2) 1 sc, 1 inc (39)

Change to white colour

3) 2 sc, 1 inc (54)

Change to blue colour

4) 3 sc, 1 inc (65)

5) to 6) 65 sc (65)

Change to white colour.

7) 65 sc. Cut.


With yellow yarn, starting on the armhole:

1) 11 sc (11)

2) [2 sc, 1 inc] x 3, 2 sc (14)

Change to red colour.

3) 14 sc (14). Cut.


With black acrylic:

1) 6 sc in a MR (6)

2) 6 inc (12)

3) 1 sc, 1 inc (18)

4) 2 sc, 1 inc (24)

5) 3 sc, 1 inc (30)

6) 4 sc, 1 inc (36)

7) 5 sc, 1 inc (42)

8) to 15) 42 sc (42). Cut.


Try it on the doll .You can add more rounds if you need it. It has to cover the back head and goes 5 rounds over the eyes.

--Sew it to the head.

--With a cat brush, brush this part to achieve a more realistic hair.

--Cut strands of acrylic yarn (45 cm). On each side of the head, near to the ears, put 6 strands helping you with a hook (on my Youtube channel, you have a video tutorial of how to put hair to an amigurumi doll )

--Make a braid on each side, cross them over the head, secure them.


**Big flowers x 3: 1,75 mm hook

1) ch 27: 25 hdc. Cut, roll on and sew.

**Little flowers x 2:  1,75 mm hook

1) ch 12: 10 hdc, Cut, roll on and sew.

 --Sew the flowers to the head, like you see on the pictures. Sew some pearls. 


- Embroider some yellow lines on the blue part of the dress.

- Embroider some red lines on the yellow part of the dress.

- Embroider some black lines on the dress.

- Embroider her eyelashes and eyebrowns. Add some make up under her eyes.

- Add earrings and a necklace.
